Turn your attention

There is someone you know at work who could be voted “less likely to succeed.”

Not because of their lack of talent, skills, intelligence or hard work but because of the circumstances they grew up and still find themselves in.

Now is your chance to make a real difference in the world.

On meritocracy

According to this Forbes article, organizations with the highest level of employee engagement have a culture that mimic the greater marketplace: in these organizations, the best ideas win, no matter the status of the employee coming up with the idea.

In these organizations, employees are encouraged to speak up and diverse opinions are welcome. The venture is a form of adventure (pun intended). A sense of play permeates the workday. Failure is expected and embraced as a learning opportunity.

When employees work is an organization where they feel safe, seen, and heard, they are highly unlikely to engage in wrongdoing. Creating such a culture appears to be a win for both the business and the compliance communities.